Service work on the cargo ship "AMPERE"
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customer request and work progress
Requested works:
1. SB Propulsion System Drive Vacon NXI 20A1 inspection after damage of electric motor (burn out).
2. Internal cooling pump of the PS drive system, often driven by a VACON NXI 22A1 frequency converter. Requirement to reload proper settings using licensed software.
3. Static voltage and frequency converter No. 1 (AC500V/60Hz to AC400V/50Hz) - it is impossible to synchronize in automatic mode with static converter No. 2, it works only in manual mode, synchronization mus be done.


- Reading FC parameters and service information of a burnt engine.
- Analysis for turning off "CLOSED LOOP"
- Removing and cleaning the covers, blowing the device with compressed air.
- Assembly after cleaning.
- Checking output cascade transistors with a multimeter.
- Error code history analysis.
- DK output voltage measurement.
- Checking parameters of static converters.
- Uploading parameters to a new pump frequency converter.
- The frequency converter of the tank was examined, the data was read and the parameters were copied.